Black Widow - Final Trailer (S05R02)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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2DBoy · 28

Black Widow - Final Final Trailer (2021)

This is the deck I used during Season 5 Round 2 of the Solo Champions League by InnsmouthBear, and it was a lot of fun to pilot! It's a Black Widow Justice deck which makes the most of a the Justice cards we got from Scarlet Witch's pack.

This is my first deck write-up, so I'll do my best to pick out the synergies I was relying on:

  • Obviously, as it's a Black Widow deck, I found myself feeling much more productive once I'd thrown the gauntlets down (Black Widow's Gauntlet). From that point on, a full house of preparation cards helps you feel ready for anything.
  • Getting an Under Surveillance on the main scheme ASAP gave me a lot of headroom, and allowed me to flip back to alter-ego without worrying too much. Counterintelligence was also a big help with this, allowing you to cancel threat from alter-ego.
  • Flipping frequently gives Lay Down the Law some utility. I had worried this would only find its way into my hand on Hero turns, but I was surprised how often it was useful!
  • Turn the Tide is an amazing card for this kind of deck, where you're keeping on top of the scheme.

That's it for the basics. The really nice synergy here is using Swift Retribution as a way to not only attack the villain, but to attack them too. Once you've got an Attacrobatics down, the boost card they draw for their scheme action is completely fair game. You end up dealing 4 damage from Swift Retribution, then up to 3 from a boost card. With other preparations already lined up, you can end up not adding any threat at all from the scheme action, or you can choose to add some threat for yourself to clear off using Clear the Area, to let yourself play Turn the Tide...

The control aspect of Black Widow was really shining here, and to me that's what Swift Retribution lets you exploit - you don't have to play it, you choose to play it when you're setup to deal with the consequences. And once you've got a few choice preparations down, it really feels like you're luring the villain into a trap!


Apr 06, 2021 NocturnalAnimal · 18061

I thought 'oof, they're brave using Swift Retribution' but I have to say, I'm totally intrigued by this! Definitely checking this out, Black Widow is one of my favourite heroes, looks good.

Apr 06, 2021 neothechosen · 10937


Love the idea of using Attacrobatics to keep the scheming to a minimum, nice catch!

Just a question if you don't mind: why no Energy? I get that The Power of Justice fits here only, the former is a 2 resources for any card while the later only works on justice cards. Was it because you needed the ?

Apr 06, 2021 2DBoy · 28

Thanks for the comments, hope it works out for you if you try it!

@neothechosen, that's a great question and I wish I had a solid answer for you! It might make sense to swap out the Strength or Energy then. As it stands, I think I've been experimenting with not taking the full 3 double resources and I must have cut it without thinking it all the way through. Good catch!