Groot - Protection - The Branch Manager

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Groot vs the Museum 0 0 0 1.0
Groot - Protection - The Branch Manager 1 0 0 1.0
Groot - The Branch Manager 0 0 0 1.0
Groot Suit Riot 0 0 0 1.0

Xaain · 296

Groot manages all the defense for the table with his branches, freeing up other people to focus on their role without worrying about taking damage. All while passively removing threat with Hard to Ignore and dealing damage with Electrostatic Armor and Dauntless.

Designed to take as many hits as possible for the table while also preserving growth tokens to drop the hammer with "I. AM. GROOT!" and "I am Groot" when needed. By mid-game, it can often defend(with 6+ def) every villain attack in a round.

The growth tokens ensure that you almost never take actual damage and that the no damage condition is met on the cards that need it.

Get the upgrades out to ramp up and reduce deck size to cycle the events and Indomitable as much as possible.


Apr 13, 2021 Lightor · 1

It looks interesting. I'm curious how tough works with growth. It seems like some invulnerables would be useful

Apr 13, 2021 wynautzoidberg · 1

Tough works great with growth, because condition cards have trigger priority over a Forced Interrupt, like Flora Colossus. Any growth tokens you have will remain intact.

However, damage reduction as a Hero Interrupt, actually takes lower priority than a Forced Interrupt. This means that Booster Boots and Defensive Stance are only useful after you're out of growth tokens, so they can't protect your growth tokens.

Given that there's only one Defensive Stance, I assume that the purpose of them here is to prevent damage after growth tokens are gone.

Apr 14, 2021 Xaain · 296

Yeah, the Defensive stance and booster boots are the last lines of defense if needed. If you're playing with Rocket these could be changed out for a Flora and Fauna and something else.

I didn't go with Invulnerability in this deck because the cost is too high, and there are already a few ways to get tough if needed. I tried to keep the cost of the cards low to allow everything to played and cycle faster.

Apr 14, 2021 The_LoneWolf · 1

Hey! I kinda did the same from the get go and playing two handed solo with a Leadership Rocket. Still can't give up on the EnergyTrio cards (strenght, genius and whatever), but i actually considered to gave up those from the start. How are you feeling without them?

Apr 15, 2021 NocturnalAnimal · 16469

@The_LoneWolfTbf, the deck looks so cheap I think really you could get away without using them at all. They'd only really pay for the "I am Groot" and "I. AM. GROOT!" cards once you've got your Helicarrier and Nerves of Steel on the board (and the Carrier and Deft Focus can make them cheaper anyways). If you're playing 3+ players you'll likely have a dedicated damage dealer and threat remover, so can just focus on the Defence events. Anything after that would likely be a bonus.

I've been properly focused on Groot Justice as I play mostly true solo/two-handed atm, but will definitely give this a punt.

Apr 15, 2021 The_LoneWolf · 1

@NocturnalAnimalYeah for sure, all of those consideration I've made myself as well :D But still the ResourceTrio always feel so important.

In the end tho I decided to remove those and I'm not missing them. I'm having quite success with a very similar deck in the TGMW Campaign on Expert, with a Leadership Rocket as a solo two-handed.

This deck actually works and can defend properly even from Ronan. I'm glad cause it's the first time I make proper use of Protection aspect (always the last choice for me), and here it's being used as a TRUE DEF GUARDIAN :D that feels very good with Groot. Defend that little Racoon!

Sometimes tho you are kinda prone to bad hands drawn and it feels like you can't do much to resolve the current game state.

I have to admit it's not my favourite playstyle cause it's pretty redundant. I just try to stockpile Growth tokens, throw upgrades out and then defend like hell with events.

I found others heroes gameplay more satisfing. But we had a good ride.

Sorry for the long message :D

Apr 16, 2021 xenocist · 1

Would growth counters activate before booster boots had a chance to activate?

Apr 16, 2021 The_LoneWolf · 1

@xenocistunfortunately not, as you can read up here in the comment of wynautzoidberg. They are still very useful in my hopinion, to prevent that little damage that might pass through, and avoid you the trigger of your many "no damage taken" cards like Unflappable, Desperate Defense, Never back Down. Ect.

Apr 16, 2021 Xaain · 296

@The_LoneWolf Yeah, the resource trio didn't feel good in the original incarnation of the deck. Anytime they came up they either couldn't be used, or I was wishing they were something else.

@wynautzoidbergI agree with @The_LoneWolfabout the use of those cards that's why I included them. That said they are the cards that I would trade out for something out if needed. I've never had damage even hit Groots health with this deck yet(also why there is no endurance or downtime). He even shrugged off a 16 damage hit from a Taskmaster boost without damage. Still testing though to see if he actually needs the safety net or not.

Apr 18, 2021 xenocist · 1

Saw response to that question farther up after. Second question, 2 armored vest and 2 unflappable; when you can only have one in play would it be better to substitute them for something else or they just resources for other cards at that point