Wasp Aggression v2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Tony Danza - Wasp Aggression Supreme 3 3 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

wehehe · 198

This is the first aggression build for Wasp that I feel comfortable with.

To take advantage of his Giant form ability, she needs some boost in their Thwart and/or attack stats. While she has her own Helmet which provides a bonus to Thwart, none of their signature cards helps her increasing her attack. Here is where Aggression aspect appears.

Thanks to the new Hand Cannon, and Skilled Strike, we can easily get to 6 attack, which can help us dealing with minions, and also damage the villain at the same time, being sure that not a single damage is wasted. Having Combat Training in play, and being able to use a Rapid Growth if you are in tiny form can increase that up to 9.

So, attack is easily handled by this deck. For thwart we must rely on her base two, which can be a 3 with her Helmet, and their Giant Help, which usually will be our main target for her G.I.R.L. ability.

Finally, their allies are there mainly to server as chumpblockers, allowing the wasp to use her attack or Thwart and stay in hero form as long as we need. Special menction to War Machine, as having a mental resource icon it can be recicled to the deck with the AE ability. Moment of Triumph also helps us staying in hero mode, it is specially good to be used with Pinpoint Strike.