Captain America: Yontron

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DukeWellington · 5331

As soon as I saw Yondu I wanted to build a deck around him. I am sure, over time, that Yondu decks will improve greatly, especially with a guardian version of Call for Aid, but I didn't want to wait for all that, so I put this list together and tried it out. Yes, it's fun even if it is inconsistent and slow to set up.

The focus here is on Yondu, so you can build this deck with any hero. After considering all the options (even Hawkeye) I settled on Captain America because his avenger tag allows Yondu to get Honorary Avenger and then Sky Cycle and Power Gloves. Also, the Cap can defend and delay while also ramping up the resources to pay for everything, including C.I.T.T. activation.

The deck plays out about how you'd expect, like a Spider-Man Black Cat deck. You mulligan hard for the cards you need. Hopefully you see them early. Once you get Yondu rolling the deck smashes everything, so you just have to survive until then. The other two allies help you hold out and Steve's Apartment is crucial for digging deep fast.

If you like volition style decks this is definitely worth taking for a spin.