Team Up (Hellcat and Ronin)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Catcalled from the Grave (She-Hulk Aggression) 68 47 16 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

adsarf · 334

Hellcat recursion is an incredible concept for She-Hulk which I first learned from @journeyman2 ( and have previously used in a She-Hulk aggression deck ( The concept is to pick up and replay Hellcat virtually every turn, so that she thwarts for 4 for 3 resources. Fully set up, this needs no cards from hand so with Superhuman Law Division down as well, you can clear 6 threat a turn for a single card.

She-Hulk doesn't need clever combos or intricate set-ups to close out the game with a turn of massive damage: her hero cards let her do that already. What she needs is help to survive the middle and early game when her hand size in Hero feels too small to make progress, but her thwart feels too limited to risk spending much time in Alter Ego.

So I wanted to experiment with a Call for Aid deck, using Hellcat as my only Avenger. I saw this concept in @neothechosen's Black Panther deck with Iron Man ally ( The idea would be to get Hellcat out first or second turn so as to keep She-Hulk in Alter Ego longer whist building up the supports, upgrades and allies to win. Not wildly innovative, but a deck with this strategy hasn't been published on MarvelCDB yet.

However I found that the deck as it then was couldn't clear minions quickly enough. This is a weakness of She-Hulk's anyway, and I was exacerbating it by spending more time in Alter Ego. I therefore added a second Avenger in Ronin who can attack for 4 to clear a minion pretty much every turn. I did consider Iron Man, but the advantage of Ronin is that She-Hulk can always play him, even with a 4-card hand in Hero form.

Other than Call for Aid itself, the main priority event in this deck is First Aid to keep Ronin in play. Get Ready provides a little acceleration so we can get more out of characters like Spider-Man, Nick Fury, and indeed Hellcat once Team Training is down. I found more advanced options like Lead from the Front just didn't offer the consistent benefit of these cheap and simple cards. The non-Avenger allies should enter and leave play fairly rapidly, often blocking hits that you don't want She-Hulk to take herself. They all have useful enter-play abilities.

Once it is up and running, She-Hulk is a bit of a passenger in this deck: Ronin and Hellcat do most of the hero work whilst she gets on with her legal career.

The deck is viable in true solo expert. It has beaten Kang and the RoRS campaign without too much trouble, but it struggles with villains who have a lot of side schemes (such as Red Skull, when played outside the campaign setting) because Hellcat can generally either clear a side scheme (with 3 or 4 threat typical in solo) or keep the main scheme under control. This brings She-Hulk into Hero form to minimise scheming, which in turn denies you the resources to recur Hellcat and advance your board at the same time. That said, I have beaten Red Skull even without the campaign goodies.


May 26, 2021 neothechosen · 10088

Hey cool concept, and for She-Hulk no less! Thx!

May 26, 2021 adsarf · 334

Thanks @neothechosen. Cool concepts involved were all other people's really, but I tried to credit them.

May 26, 2021 neothechosen · 10088

@adsarf I just saw your post on the Black Panther deck, thanks! That little trick also got used by a few people to fetch the Captain Marvel ally for Spider Woman and reap the benefits!

It never occured to me to use it for Hellcat, so, hats off to you!