Power Man
Victor Alvarez



Coût: 3.
Health: 3.
Attack: 0. Thwart: 1.

Power Man entre en jeu avec 2 jetons Chi sur lui.

Action : retirez n'importe quel nombre de jetons Chi de Power Man → il gagne +2 ATQ jusqu'à la fin de la phase pour chaque jeton Chi ainsi retiré.

L'Ombre du Titan Fou #12.
Power Man

Power Man is sort of the small version of Goliath. For 1 less cost, you get much less thwarting, and slightly less attacking. One big upside Power Man has over Goliath is that you can still block with him after the "big attack" turn.

Both of them are good with readying effects (e.g. Command Team), so consider playing them together for consistency.

Fry · 259