Manigance annexe
Starting Threat: 6.

Chaque ennemi gagne 1 icône d'accélération ().

Boost: placez 1 menace sur chaque manigance. (En mode expert, placez 1 menace supplémentaire sur la manigance principale.)

Sinistres Motivations #143. Tactiques de Guérilla #3.
Effort Coordonné

This side scheme can be punishing in solo play, even more so on Expert, and yet even more so during the campaign. After a bad encounter phase, if your hero is exhausted, or you have a poor hand of cards, you can easily go from no threat on the main scheme (Sinister Synchonization or Sinister Beatdown) to popping it at the beginning of the next villain phase. This is due to a number of factors that all reflect poor design for true solo play and can combine to produce a near-instant loss:

  • the low threat thresholds on the main schemes;
  • the Life-Size Decoy that starts in play with Tough during the solo campaign (at 9 or higher on the reputation track) and prevents thwarting of side schemes;
  • the two villains that come into play with Frequent Flyers, High Fashion, and Robotic Enhancements along with incite 1 on each card;
  • the Expert-mode surge on Surprise!; and
  • the extra encounter cards due to Venom, the Expert-level Public Outcry, and the 2nd side of Light at the End. These extra encounter cards are much more punishing during true solo games than multi-player games.

All in all, a poorly designed card and one of a number of things that can make the Sinister Motives box frustrating for true solo play. Those who like to use home rules may consider capping the amount of acceleration icons that can be gained,

Add that modular set in with expert ultron. I’d love to see that — MasterKitFisto · 2