

Coût: 1.

Hero Response: After you exhaust your hero to make a basic thwart or attack, discard an ally you control → add that ally's matching power to your hero's power for this use. Ready your hero.

Magneto #19.
No image

I think what seems to be missed from this card is that it is set to utilize heroes who already have high thwart and attack to give them extra actions. Cable, Spider-Woman, Captain America, and others that really bolster their stats and often don't need chump blockers can utilize an ally for multiple basic actions during a turn. Not to mention characters like Iceman who get benefits from their attacks so lending him extra actions can help control the board better.

When considering this card, don't look at it from the perspective of getting the Ally's stats twice, but look at from the perspective of getting the Ally's stats PLUS whatever you are going to use on the activation from the ready. If Captain America has a 5 thwart, THAT is the additional value if that is what you are doing with him on that extra activation.

Someone like Wasp could use a Moxie changing to Giant-form, a Morale Boost to fortify her stats to 4, and then use this to give her a pair of attack or thwart to utilize her "leave no waste" basic actions. And with a 5 Defense, she isn't worried about the fact that Ally just got discarded.

In the above scenario, it aided in 6 points of production, not just 4, and with Wasp, a turn like that can clear two side schemes, a minion, and still take a threat off the main scheme, while securing her a great defensive position. This isn't even counting other factors for the turn, such as possibly having enough resources to play another Ally with a good entry effect, but you already had three allies and needed to dump one.

Civic Duty, R&D Development and Adrenaline Rush are other cards to consider to combo with this where you are trying to maximize multiple activations in a single turn. Ant-Man, Wonder Man, Maria Hill, Hawkeye, and Kid Omega are all cheap allies that could be considered for sacrificial lambs when they were on their way out the door anyway (those with entry effects you way want to usher out the door). Earth's Mightiest Heroes can supplement addition activations for Avengers (which it looks like we'll be getting more soon).

This is an interesting deck-building tool which the game can use plenty more of. This idea from some of the MTG guys that it's "staple or bust" is silly. If you are trying to build a Leadership deck where your hero is the point of attack and not the allies, this is a card one could consider.

Earth Dragon · 1588

Other than working with ally recursion, this seems silly. You could just use Get Ready or Teamwork for one cheaper cost and get more versatility. This should be a zero cost card, or it should add the ally's matching power for the round to work with Magneto's readying abilities. On the Avenger side, Inspiring Presence is MUCH better. All this does is let you exhaust your hero and your ally, and then get one more use out of both in the same round at the cost of using your ally to block. Seems like there's better ways to do this.

Unless you're Iceman and get to apply more Frostbite, or Drax and get to hit like a truck and draw a card, or Quicksilver and get to use Friction Resistance again, or SP//dr and get to use your other Interfaces, or Wasp and you thwart for a bunch and split it, or... anyone else who particularly likes using Basic Powers. The benefit is in getting to use your Hero's Basic Power again, and at a high tempo; if that's better than a regular ally activation, then you're set. And that's not even factoring in things like Sneak Attack or To Me, My X-Men. — Leethus · 102
Underthewronghat, I'm not sure why you are comparing a card that primarily is to ready your hero to cards which only ready an ally? E.g. if I have the Ironheart ally out, I could use Get Ready to attack for 1 - or I could discard her with You Got This and have X-23 attack for 7 (genuine in-game situation where I've used this card). The extra use of the ally's stats, while helpful, is not the point. — TwoHands · 47

This is a great way to utilize temporary allies. Ex) Wasp Leadership running Goliath, Nick Fury, Nick Fury Sr, and Professor X. As an example: You play Professor X and confuse the villain, thwart with Professor X for 3, declare basic thwart with Wasp for 2, use you got this to discard Professor putting your current thwart up to 5, ready immediately and thwart again for 5.