Powering Up and Leading Blows (Aggression/Protection)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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jrec15 · 152

Have tested this quite a bit and find it a blast to play, one of the more reliable/flexible decks I've tried. The key here is to get Spider-Woman's stats up and take advantage of that. We do that by:

  • Drawing cards. The more cards you draw, the more likely you draw different aspects in a turn. Avengers Tower, Unflappable, Jessica Drew's Apartment are you supports/upgrades to help this. But you also want Captain Marvel out as soon as you can and you want to always be healing her with Med Team.
  • Thinning your deck. There's quite a few upgrades that you want to play that will ultimately keep your deck thinner while they are out.
  • Playing different aspects. Inconspicuous and Pheromones are valuable since they are off aspect and much less common. Leading Blow and Skilled Strike provide extremely reliable and 0 cost options for aggression/protection that make almost certain you are playing these aspects a huge majority of the time.

You want to get your stats up and hammer with the basic attacks. Hand Cannon is going to help you put excess damage to use with overkill. The goal for Leading Blow is to get to 4+ attack and it's a no brainer, but a lot of the time you can get to 5 with Combat Training up, and I still nearly always play it at 3 (which is fairly rare, you're nearly always at 4 once setup a little).

One other thing to note with Leading Blow, the way the math works out one-time boosters like Skilled Strike and Hand Cannon do NOT give any extra damage value when combined with leading blow vs playing them normally. They do however help in a pinch to get over the 4 damage safety barrier to guarantee no whiff, and Leading Blow makes them more flexible by making it so they can be used for an attack while using your next ready for thwarting if you desire. Combat Training as well as aspect stat boosting DOES give value to Leading Blow, because those last permanently/the entire phase.

Defend when it makes sense if your stats are boosted. Indomitable combined with Armored Vest/Unflappable makes this is a valuable option when the time comes.

Finesse and Deft Focus are extremely valuable upgrades. And it may not be an aspect card, but don't overlook the sheer value Self-Propelled Glide can bring on the right turn especially being a Deft Focus target.