The Immortal Duo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 610

First time publishing a deck. I mostly play true solo, so Adam Warlock obviously was an attractive option since he literally does everything. The idea behind this deck is pretty simple, drag it out and don't die. The focus is to get Martyr out and just pump her up with all the upgrades you can get on her and just have her continuously swing at whatever is in your way. Quasar is also an option to pile on the upgrades if he comes out first, but the response for Martyr makes it easier for her to stay on the table.

Adam's role is strictly a support role. You want to get out Soul World Mystic Senses and Warlock's Cape. His role is to manage threat and to heal his allies with battle mage. once everything is out you should be turning through his deck about every two turns just building up the counters on soul world to keep him fully healthy to keep on taking those punches from whoever he is facing.

Other cards for consideration Knowhere I had this in there originally but quickly realized the goal is to get your allies on the table and keep them there so the card draw didn't come into play as much

-C.I.T.T. once you have your chosen ally up and running why wait a second turn? Just spend 2 resources and have them 2 shot the villain in one round.

-Starhawk I originally had him in the deck but have 3 protection cards that stayed on the table made healing slow so he got the boot.

Potential cuts -Team-Building Exercise Only there to reduce the cost of getting your allies out and then just fodder for caught off guard.

-Armored Vest Again having to many protection cards that stay on the table really slows down healing.