Asgard War Party

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cuacuani · 51

I've just finished reading War of the Realms so now I'm going to play a load of Marvel Champions using Thor and Asgardians. I'm very excited for Valkyrie to come out so I can make an Asgardians of the Galaxy deck.

Thou needest not be cunning! Merely use Looking for Trouble and Defender of the Nine Realms to vex thy enemy's schemes and also provide foes to to vanquish. If thou art surrounded by foes but thy heart be true, fill it with Battle Fury.

Quaff thy mead heartily in the Hall of Heroes and thou shalt find many a Moment of Triumph, shouldst thou require it.

Thy noble companions all hail from Asgard, so Team-Building Exercise and For Asgard! can call them forth to glorious battle. Thou art also an Avenger, so ride thy magnificent Quincarrier across the skies. All companions would benefit for time spent at Boot Camp, even companions as skilled and brave as thine. Indeed, even thou wouldst be wise to perfect thy skills with Combat Training.