Adam Warlock: Mystic Marvel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

penguino · 1

This deck is intended to take advantage of Adam Warlock’s natural ability to rapidly work through his deck. Soul World allows you to completely heal for each time you go through your entire deck so this deck is intended to give you low-cost, powerful events that help you burn through cards fast to help you take advantage of this awesome card. Cosmic Ward also helps you avoid a lot of the treachery cards that come from going through the deck so many times.

This deck also takes full advantage of Adam Warlock being a Guardian and a Mystic hero. Every card requiring the mystic trait is included: The Sorcerer Supreme, Deft Focus, Spiritual Meditation, Summoning Spell, Zone of Silence, Shield Spell, and Magic Attack. "Welcome Aboard" quickly gets you any of the allies in this deck out for free. Major Victory allows you to ready a fellow Guardian character when he is defeated.

I played this deck first against Ebony Maw and it was incredibly fun and allowed for versatile game play. Adam Warlock’s alter-ego ability allows you to combat the status cards placed from Ebony Maw’s spells. I think there is a lot of advantages to having mostly event cards but there are also some other awesome allies that could be substituted in (like Maria Hill) depending on your playing style and the villain you are facing. Overall this deck was fun, versatile, and allowed you to have some really powerful turns.