SCL902 - Goliath combo from board (V2)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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SCL902 - Goliath combo from board 0 0 0 1.0
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josseroo · 696

V2 changes focus on higher consistency

Playlist showing the official games (Turn 6, 6 and 4 victories):

Solo Champions League (SCL) Round 902 introduces the RoRS campaign upgrades for the first time, which opens up some fun combos that you wouldn't normally try because SCL matches tend to reward tempo strongly.

Round details:

  • Season 9, Round 2 - Absorbing Man + Band of Badoon (12/19/21-08/01/22)
  • Hero: Quicksilver
  • Aspect: Aggression, Justice, Leadership, Protection, or All Basic
  • Upgrade: 1 Tech Upgrade [The Rise of Red Skull campaign - normal campaign rules apply]

Some notes on how this deck works

  • The point of this deck is to use Emergency Teleporter to put Goliath into play, build up a board of activations (Sky Cycle, Command Team) and to a lesser extent buffs (Powered Gauntlets, Inspired) and then on turn 4 or 5 use Goliath and whatever else you have going on to finish off Stage II of Absorbing Man and one-shot his Stage III.
  • The choice is to do this from board, using Upgrades and Supports, instead of using events like Get Ready is to ensure you are not waiting around to draw the right combo pieces to finish off the villain.
  • Friction Resistance is very expensive so probably only worth playing in the first couple of turns
  • Even though you are not really using Quicksilver to do much in the way of Quicksilver things an early Deft Focus is worth the investment if you have chump blockers out
  • Don't be afraid to flip to heal or if you don't have any blockers, especially if you have Hyper Perception out to help you thwart down that additional threat quickly
  • In practice, the combo happens the most reliably on Turn 6, which is when you would have usually made it through a 40-card deck so there is an extra turn worth of cards in this deck to avoid the extra encounter card. There is a lot of redundancy in key cards in this deck so the additional deck size is not a significant drawback from the perspective of finding cards you need.
  • There are multiple allies that benefit from Command Team on turns before you are executing the finishing combo, such as Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Nick Fury, Power Man, Wanda and Adam Warlock