Star-Lord - I'm in charge!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

neothechosen · 10624

This is my take on a "red leader" deck for Star Lord. Lately I've been trying to build new decks using pairings I've barely tried, or cards that I completely overlooked for some reason. This is how I got to this list.

it is seriously the most reckless deck I've built with Star Lord so, if you like your games feeling secure, it might not be for you (I usually put a 3 or 4 cost card in play with "what could go wrong" like, every turn, and you'll need Daring Escape for thwarting too).

In short, allies + Energy Spear. While the concept itself isn't new, there are a few cool things in here that are worth mentionning.

First, the newest Thor ally is really an amazing sidekick! He's in part the reason I built this deck... Imagine the potential with Energy Spear? I like to keep him around for the moment I get swarmed, beef him up with Energy Spear (it works since he becomes a Guardian thanks to Star-Lord). With Boot Camp in play, it makes him able to deal 6 dmg to every minion in play (I play true solo)! Very useful in Mutagen formula, saved my life a few times. I was surprised that this combo wasn't common on the website (in fact, I haven't seen it once unless my search was flawed).

Brawn + Boot Camp + Energy Spear is just abusive, helps you thwart too. Honorary Guardian to get even more out of him.

Bug is the most broken of all! I usually save Sidearm and one Energy Spear for him, as well as Honorary Guardian (just in case I cannot attack to heal him this turn, for some reason... gives you more room to breathe!). That makes him a 5 atk (counting Boot Camp), ranged, with piercing, re-usable as long as you attack...

PLUS you can ready any of those allies using CITT (I use The Power in All of Us for that too, until a ruling specifies it doesn't work I refer to the Finesse ruling). So if you can keep Bug healthy by attacking, it's up to 10 DMG a turn. Just amazing!

The deck doesn't have much in terms of protection so, of course, you'll need to have allies blocking for you (or Bad Boy).


Jan 26, 2022 InigoMontoya · 4444

Awesome! I've been playing around with Star-Lord + Thor for a minoon killing deck. Here:

I think you've made a better deck than I did. What does the beginning game usually like with this deck? Normal mulligan to try and get his Helmet and use his power for Element Gun? Then just play allies or do you go for more set-up first?

Jan 26, 2022 neothechosen · 10624

@InigoMontoya thanks!

Usually you need to get rid of side schemes (expert), so I'm looking for an ally to help me, or Daring Escape if I have no other recourse. A turn one Mockingbird or Nick Fury is most welcome for the block too.

Must-play cards: Element Gun, Star-Lord's Helmet for draw, Leader of the Guardians so your allies can also help thwart a lot (much needed as you get lots of encounters). Bad Boy every time you can.

I try keeping an ally to block, and some to buff with Energy Spear that won't block (Bug, Thor, Brawn).

Mutagen formula was incredibly rough, GG got to his last scheme on turn 1! I struggled to kill minions (thanks Thor!) and chipping away his life little by little, but I realized something as GG got near 0 hp of his stage 2: when he's going to stage 3, he's giving you 3 encounters. So, 2 daring escapes later and "what could go wrong", my Sliding Shot was a 17 DMG card... so it ended in a flash.