Quicksilver Protection: That's my Secret.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LordMalik · 1

First deck built by me, still testing.

The main goal from this deck is to abuse Maximum Velocity as a tool for massive defense and minor damage/thrawts. Buy time for you and your friends blocking small amounts of damage and sacrifice allies as you see fit, try to keep at least 2 avengers alive in order to trigger Earth's Mightiest Heroes and keep the engine (Friction Resistance) running.

Before the game start: Decide between Quincarrier or Helicarrier.

Recent Updates: Removed 3x Preemptive Strike and 3x First Aid, thinking about removing 1x Electrostatic Armor and 1x Energy Barrier to get to 40 cards...