Ironheart is like, really really smart

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kwyjibo · 26

This deck makes use of resource cards to ensure that Ironheart can consistently and efficiently add progress counters every turn. I've had a lot of fun playing this deck and making decisions on how best to spend the cards since Ironheart has so many choices on what she can do each turn.

Why Justice?

Ironheart wants to start the early game flipping between AE and Hero mode to gain the most progress counters. But with the base 1 thwart on her Lvl 1 suit, she will struggle with early thwart, especially when she needs to clear out the last threat on a scheme for Fly Over. Justice cards like Lay Down the Law and Clear the Area will give her the thwarting power she needs to a) keep flipping, and b) get those last thwarts, and they synergize well with the resources she wants and needs.

Key Cards

Consider doing a mulligan for Tony Stark A.I., Ronnie Williams, and Ingenuity. Stroke of Genius is always a nice card to find on the first hand, since it is a free two progress counters with no card draw lost when used with your alter-ego action.

Tony Stark A.I. is a must-play on any turn it is drawn. Propulsion Jets and Photon Blasters are your next build priorities as they scale in thwart and attack as you build up your suit. Ingenuity is a cheaper Quincarrier but harder to deploy at first, as it can only be played while in alter-ego mode (Ironheart loses her Genius trait in Hero mode). When deployed with 3 resources, Moon Girl is a cheaper Nick Fury and well worth bringing out.

Great meditation targets would be Monica Chang, Nick Fury, Helicarrier, and if you can afford him, Brawn.

When going into hero mode, you will often find yourself capable of playing a value Lay Down the Law.