Who is Nadia Van Dyne?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Starlordxx · 149

This, is Nadia Van Dyne, Wasp's Alter-ego. She has G.I.R.L. which lets her shuffle two cards with the "mental" symbol for their printed resource back into her deck, every turn. So, the deck features a majority of cards with that printed resource, including the card Genius.

Nadia also is a Genius. So, she can use Ingenuity and Moon Girl which are both so good they even have synergy with each other and her G.I.R.L. power.

G.I.R.L does not require Nadia to exhaust. So, she runs Meditation, which requires her to be in Alter-ego form and to exhaust, and it can also be shuffled back into the deck with G.I.R.L. This will be my last time mentioning if a card works with her ability because there are 13 more, some with multiple copies.

That brings us to the other major feature of Nadia's justice deck. She loves acronyms so much in addition to being all about G.I.R.L. she is also obsessed with S.H.I.E.L.D. a number of whom are in fact spies.

She runs allies, events, support, and upgrades that all play on S.H.I.E.L.D and Spy key words. The predominant aspect of these cards is that Nadia doesn't have to become Wasp in order to benefit herself and others using them.

Allies can attack, block, and thwart as normal. Counterintelligence and Spycraft can be played and activated to respectively help deal with threat on the main scheme and to counter-act untimely encounter cards while also thinning the deck out for while they wait to be used.

Nadia, may sometimes want to do some attacking, thwarting, or defending, and that will not slow her down or detract from the main focus. She even needs to be Wasp at some point in order to play Quincarrier. Then, she is just one turn away from changing back into Nadia, and even if she defended during the villain phase, G.I.R.L. can still be used.

The last feature I want to highlight a specific combination of interactions that seems pretty good. In addition to Global Logistics being able to set up your allies for optimal turns which is great, you can also choose to look at the top cards of your deck, discard one or more cards with if needed, and at any point in your turn, you can then use G.I.R.L to shuffle your deck. Maybe this level of deck manipulation is largely performative in this game, but its specific value is what caught my attention, which is why I included it in the description.

I hope you'll try this Nadia Van Dyne deck at let me know what you think about it or what changes you make to it in the comments! Thank you!


Jul 12, 2022 Marctimmins89 · 298

What cuts would you make if you were wanting to play it at 40 cards? Looks like a fun deck concept.

Jul 16, 2022 Starlordxx · 149

-2 to 3 Field Agent

-2 to 3 Counterintelligence

-2 to 3 Spycraft

-1 Agent Coulson

-1 Quincarrier

-1 Government Liaison

For the -2 to 3 options, the symbols aren't

Counterintelligence is Max 1 per Player

With fewer Preperation cards, Coulson doesn't do as much

Quincarrier can be taken out if it is multiplayer and one of the other players is also using an Avenger

Government Liaison is -1 because 2 is just about as good as 3 and the matching symbol makes it easy to use G.I.R.L and get one back if you needed to spend it as a resource that turn.