Spider-Woman - Clarity of (Re)Purpose

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10667

This deck is the result of my thoughts on Clarity of Purpose. Besides Spider Ham, my guess was that the card was going to be good for high hp heroes. Well... it's also nice for Spider Woman. She's got healing with Contaminant Immunity to make up for the life loss. And yes, with that extra resource SW does a lot.


Energy Barrier + Repurpose... don't forget repurpose boosts all your stats for free.

Draw cards using allies + Strength In Numbers then play as many aspects as possible. Then use Go All Out or basic attack, use repurpose on energy barrier, attack again, use Self-Propelled Glide... Capitalize on that huge atk / def by blocking the villain's attack and playing Counter-Punch.

I included allies that help you draw or search for useful events. Ideally, keep them in play for Strength In Numbers. In between Pheromones and Contaminant Immunity, you can negate a lot of villain activations without allies blocking for you.

It should go without saying but of course you'll need Finesses, Deft Focus, Clarity of Purpose, Quincarrier... The more you have in play, the easier it gets! Also benefit from a confused villain ( Pheromones) to return to AE and dig some more with Jessica Drew's Apartment.

Have fun!


Jul 19, 2022 Marvel Chumpions · 168

Not sure you can do Energy Barrier + Clarity of Purpose since the cost is to deal a damage. I know there is a ruling for She-Hulk and her Focused Rage that she has to take damage to draw a card. I'm guessing it is the same whether the wording is slightly different or not.

Jul 19, 2022 Schmendrix · 5437

@therealclappcorrect - if you don't take the damage (because you deflected it with Energy Barrier) you don't get a resource.

Jul 19, 2022 neothechosen · 10667

@therealclapp @Schmendrix Sad that it does not work, but even without it the deck is ok to go. SW was mostly always full hp and Contaminant Immunity healed 1 /2 hp most of the time so a few more hp to heal here and there would be ok. I will edit the text accordingly though.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

Aug 23, 2024 Marctimmins89 · 298

Just wanted to point out that this combo does in fact work. Clarity of Purpose deals damage and generates the resource. At the point that where damage would be taken, Energy Barrier can interrupt.

It's a good combo.

@neothechosen I built a deck like this the other day and really enjoying it. Just beat Ronan with it actually. Great idea.