Black Panther - Ignore The BP Upgrades

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

breaker94 · 7

The concept is simple: actively ignore the Black Panther Upgrades (they're not very good IMO), while using the rest of T'Challa's hero kit to fuel the Leadership plays. The pinnacle of this deck is having 5 Avengers in play and using Avengers Assemble! to do a ton of damage and thwarting.

The idea is that the deck still stays true to Black Panther's playstyle. His hero kit is about setting up the board with BP Upgrades then paying them off with Wakanda Forever!. This deck instead sets up the board with allies and pays them off with Avengers Assemble! (both cards end in an exclamation mark after all!). In theory, at least. In practice, I do end up playing 1 or 2 Upgrades to directly counter the villain (Energy Daggers vs. Ultron, for example).

As implied earlier, Avengers Assemble! is the card I built around. I think this deck could be better, but I'm actively trying not to include staples like Make the Call or Get Ready since they inevitably end up in all of my Leadership decks.

I think the deck is pretty self-explanatory, but I'll go over how the non-Upgrade cards in the hero kit help with the Leadership plays:

  • Shuri grabs Sky Cycle (on that note, I've been meaning to add more Leadership upgrades, but not sure what to cut atm).

  • Ancestral Knowledge puts allies back into your deck.

  • Use Vibranium and the 5 other double resource cards to play the 4-cost cards without using your entire hand.

  • The Golden City will give you an 8-card hand, allowing for multiple allies to be played in one turn.

As for the rest of the cards:

  • The allies are just a ragtag team of Avengers (minus Maria Hill) I have in my collection. Use whatever you have in yours.

  • Use Avengers Tower and The Triskelion to get to a 5 Ally board.

  • Use Team Training and/or Strength In Numbers to play more allies while while keeping your current allies.

  • Use Last Stand either to get rid of Maria Hill (not an Avenger so doesn't work with Avengers Assemble or Avengers Tower) or when an ally is about to die and you want it to go out with a bang.