Ironheart Card Draw Engine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Ironheart - Moongirl Bounce (Leadership) 135 114 7 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

RegalGamesTV · 44

This list is HIGHLY similar to the list that I've copied in the derived from section. I have only made a few edits to further the card draw.

To me, Ironheart is about Leveling up as fast as possible and then stocking up on Progress counters in Version 3 to blast the villain for a ton of damage at once. The best way to achieve this imo is to just draw a bunch of cards- this allows us to use our Child Prodigy and Level Up! abilities more often because we have more resources to pay for Child Prodigy, Fly Over, and Photon Beam. In the early game, Ronnie Williams is also a critical piece to this counter obtaining engine- she allows us to get 3 Progress counters for one resource in a single flip.

So how are we drawing cards? Let's start with the allies: Maria Hill comes in and draws everyone a card. She's old hat though. White Tiger is the worst of our 4 card drawing allies- the later in the game you play her, the better she is. If you're playing expert mode, she really shines once you get the villain to flip- 3 cards and a 2THW/2ATK/1 consequential and 3 HP body is nothing to sneeze at. Nick Fury is also old hat- you know him, you love him. Finally, we get to our best card drawing ally in this deck- Moon Girl. It is super easy to draw 3 cards with Moon Girl every time you play her, between Ingenuity, Genius, and all those icons we have on our cards.

Event cards that help us fuel up on cards are our 3 Assess the Situation. It provides a for Moon Girl, but also gets Ironheart Version 1's handsize up from that bad 4 to the standard 5, so its really good to play early game. We also have 2 Strength In Numbers for when we get our allies out on the board. Typically I only play this if I have 2+ allies on the board.

Our miscellaneous draw cards are Riri's Stroke of Genius, Tony Stark A.I., and the Basic support Champions Mobile Bunker. These are all self explanatory and should be played asap.

Now, let's talk some shenanigans that this deck can pull off!

Maria Hill or Nick Fury + Rapid Response: An easy little combo than can net a ton of cards. Just play one of the allies, then block a villain or minion attack to get the enters play ability again. Should also be noted that Rapid Response can trigger every ally in this deck, with the exceptions of Moon Girl and White Tiger.

Any ally + Regroup: Not an immediate return like the above combo, but still works very effectively. Play your allies, slap a Regroup down, and get those friends back for the next turn. Note that Regroup works for EVERY player at the table, so encourage your teammates to block and get their friends back too.

My favorite combo though is combining these two together! For instance: Play Maria Hill and draw a card. THW/ATK with her. Slap down a Rapid Response and a Regroup. Block a villain atack with her, trigger Rapid Response, draw a card. block another attack with her, trigger Regroup. Rinse and repeat next turn! This also works with Nick Fury as well!

Once you start looping allies with Rapid Response and Regroup, Strength In Numbers becomes way better because you're at the point where you don't need to activate your allies- play them and draw a bunch of cards. I had a turn with this deck where I played Moon Girl and drew 3, Nick Fury and drew 3, Maria Hill and drew 1, Strength In Numbers to draw 3, played White Tiger and drew 3, played two other allies, played Strength In Numbers again to draw 3 more cards. Plus I had Tony Stark A.I., and Champions Mobile Bunker to draw some cards as well!

The biggest changes I made to the derived from list is dropping 3 Go All Out for 3 Assess the Situation and Kaluu for Champions Mobile Bunker. The former is because I just felt that Go All Out was unnecessary in this deck- it puts out so much damage and thwart that I often found myself not playing it. Don't get me wrong- it's a great card that I think is VERY good, especially with Ironheart Version 3's 3/2/3 stat line- I just didn't use it much in this build. The latter change is because one of my teammates uses Kaluu in their Adam Warlock deck and he is MUCH more necessary there than he is in this deck, especially with 3 Assess the Situation and Champions Mobile Bunker.

Hopefully this write up gives some insight on to why I LOVE this deck (my new favorite- who doesn't like drawing all the cards?) and why I made some adjustments to make it fit my play style. At it's core, this deck has an engine- allies to draw cards and recurrence to draw more cards- once that engine is up and running, this deck is VERY strong. Please let me know your thoughts and help me tune this deck up a bit!