A Man and his Dog go to see the Doctor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
INFINITE COSMO 171 127 6 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 333

Permanent Allies - This is the main strategy of the deck and not a new concept. All three allies have abilities they can perform without taking consequential damage. Yondu can attack each turn with range. Cosmo can attack or thwart each term naming event on the Invocation deck and therefore not take any consequential damage. Wong can heal Doctor Strange to help keep up with the attacks he will take OR get to the better Invocation deck cards. I didn't include any other allies because I want Summoning Spell to guarantee one of these. Make the Call acts as another copy also incase you have to early game toss one as a resource or defense.

Boosting Allies - Upgrades on Cosmo and Yondu pay off much better value because they stay on the board. Comms Implant is intended for Cosmo but the rest are split of 1 for each. Get Ready becomes a powerhouse late game with all of these upgrades.

General Priorities - 1.) Allies: Obviously with only three in the deck you want to prioritize not having to wait for a shuffle to get them out. Once this engine is going, it's hard for the board to destabilize. 2.) Permanent Resource and Draw: This deck can be pretty resource hungry. 3.) Invocation Deck: This is more around Cloak of Levitation and Master of the Mystic Arts. Situationally these cards can break the turn but only if the Invocation deck lines up. Obviously you should be using the Invocation deck if the situation is right or needed.
4.) Ally Upgrades: Prioritized 4th but often played after getting a resource down anyway. Will often be used in the first shuffle to pay for cards. 5.) Other: Everything else is situational (aka Dr. Strange Events not mentioned above). These cards tend to be costly and will cost most of a turn not developing your board. With the above, you will control the game and with the rest you win it.

Flex Slots:

Sidearm - Yondu already has range. The first one is in there for Cosmo. Sometimes this ends up on Yondu, especially if Cosmo is primarily thwarting. The second copy is the one that I consider flexible.

Innovation - Sometimes you just have to use Wongs basic attack or thwart. This is a way to get some of those hit points back. A lot of the time my allies don't have any HP to heal, so it ends up as just a wild resource. Wild resources don't do much for you.

Alternate Card Considerations:

Make the Call - Sometimes you draw Yondu and Wong in a bad board state and have to use them as a resource. Additionally, sometimes you just have to defend with an ally.

Inspiring Presence - Another Get Ready with an extra heal similar to the above comments around Innovation.


Sep 14, 2022 dr00 · 44014

i love the idea of summoning speall with a small suite of allies to give you a better chance of getting the one you want. very cool deck! this gives me ideas for scarlet witch lol

Sep 25, 2022 KakitaJamie · 333

Summoning Spell is really powerful. It's also a great way to cheat in some bigger allies.