Suit up and have a Blast | Iron Man (Protection)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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BenDeer · 2

What is the essence of Iron Man? His suit!

Tony Stark is just a rich genius who became a super hero with his development of the Mark III suit. That in mind, you will get the best out of the cards of Iron Man.

Tech-Upgrades & Hit Points
As always, you begin the game in the form of your alter ego. In this case as Tony Stark. Use his ability to draw a 7th card and play as much Tech-Upgrades as possible to increase the hand size of Iron Man in the coming rounds, which is your first priority.

With a bit of luck, you will get the Mark V Armor and the Arc Reactor, the most important parts of your suit.

Your second goal is to increase your hit points. Mark V Armor and Endurance are your best options. With 15+ hit points and 5+ Tech-Upgrades, you can stay in the form of Iron Man some rounds.

Use your Repulsor Blast!
This will cause damage between 1 and 13 (mostly 7) and is your strongest attack.

Protect yourself!
You need to be Iron Man to control the game. Try no to change back to Tony Stark and use Energy Barrier or Preemptive Strike to mitigate the attacks of the villain and his monions.

Don't underestimate your Head & Feet
Besides your basic thwarting, the Mark V Helmet is your only option to remove threat. Use your Rocket Boots to go Aerial and double the amount of threat you can remove. This will also make your Supersonic Punch to a strong attack with 8 damage.

Your Quincarrier allows you, to do this every round.