Stand and Face the Mighty Justice of Thor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ensign53 · 60

The idea here is two-fold; thin out Thor's deck so his massive damage events come up a lot, and deal with his biggest weakness: resources. With a small hand size, cards like Asgard help, but static resources like Enhanced Awareness, Enhanced Reflexes, and Enhanced Physique, alongside his suite cards God of Thunder help to provide out-of-hand resources so instead of using cards to pay for other cards, you're able to play more cards which, effectively, gives him a larger hand size. Lady Sif and Daredevil are great allies that end up costing next to nothing about midway through the game and really help him both attack and thwart. Depending on the scenario, I'll swap out Quake for Daredevil, such as in a minion heavy scenario like Mutagen Formula. A For Justice! can be swapped out for more Under Surveillance if needed to help with main scheme advancement, but chances are you'll be able to bring it back up quickly enough that it won't be a problem.

Your goal the first time through his deck is to thin it out and get as many upgrade and support cards as you can into play, while keeping the threat low enough that you won't lose to a bad Scheme boost. After your tableau is set up, you will be cycling his deck faster each go-through, but the access to events and ways to pay for them should help with most of the bad turns you get off of encounter cards.

Don't forget that his hammer Mjolnir is a prime target for upgrade destruction if needed, since it can be brought back to his hand.