Quicksilver vs. The Side Schemes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mggarofalo · 3

[EDIT: Apparently I can't change a deck after publishing it, but Martinex should be replaced by Cosmo.]

This deck was built off a prompt to make a Quicksilver Justice deck using Problem Solvers. The idea is to use Chance Encounter to tutor Eros and keep him out until you can play Problem Solvers, hopefully after you've played Maximum Velocity and (on a prior turn) Heroic Intuition and Hyper Perception, potentially removing 7 threat from each scheme! Cosmo is a backup for Problem Solvers in case you can't find Eros at the right time.

With a hand size of 5, you have 3 resources to play those two cards (total cost 6). With Friction Resistance, Deft Focus, and Sense of Justice this is an affordable turn for our speedy hero even if he hasn't gotten a chance to play Quincarrier yet.

For the rest of the game, this is a pretty normal thwarting deck. Clear the Area and Multitasking for side schemes, Followed to leverage those events into damage, Justice Served to give you extra readies after they do their job, and a handful of amenities from our yellow library.

While I designed this deck with Red Skull in mind, an alternative and more general approach here would be to swap in One Way or Another, likely in place of Followed, to help bring side schemes out in scenarios that don't have very many of them, giving you greater opportunity to draw into your combos.