Stun-Locking Celestial Boots | Drop Kick Rogue

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

esquiloclasta · 134

Y'all remember when Rogue absorbed the power of every X-Men and Avenger and held back a Celestial by the foot? Respect Anna Marie.


Although FFG sure is desperately trying to stop status-locking with all the Steady and Stalwart going around, stunning is still powerful, so that's what we're doing with this deck.

  • As usual, take the first turn or two to setup. We have plenty of resource generators here, so try putting some of those down. Martial Prowess and The X-Jet are priorities because they feed Drop Kick.

  • Plan your turns well. Touched needs to be attached to the villain so that Southern Cross can stun, while Dive Bomb needs it attached to an ally. Proper sequencing should fix any conflicts.

  • You should be able to get full value from Drop Kick everytime you play it, but it's not the end of the world if you don't. There's other ways to stun in the deck, so don't miss out on what could be more efficient ways to spend your resources.

  • Dive Bomb is a blast with Rogue, so we want all the allies we can get so that aerial is turned on. Best way to do that? Cheap, 2-drop allies.

  • No, I'm not running Hulk. In my personal experience he rarely pays off. It's just too risky and it's not like you struggle for damage. You do you though. Honestly, all the allies are replaceable.

  • There's a case to be made that Marvel Boy is a bad card by today's standards, but seeing as how Mutant Genesis is filled with Tough tokens, piercing is incredibly valuable. Yes, 0 THW sucks, but Rogue's Hero Kit is excellent at dealing with threat. He's also a printed Physical resource.

  • Mockingbird is another lowkey outdated card, but we'll take any stun effects we can get. Her being a physical resource also helps.

  • Clobber is an auto-include simply because of the physical resources, but it also comes in handy as a way to deal with pesky minions.

Note: whether or not you choose to count Touched towards the minimum deck size is up to you.
