Wasp "Picture" Deck for Get Up and Game! Perfect Match Up

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pendin · 21

This was my game two in the Get Up and Game! Perfect Match Up featuring Wasp vs Taskmaster! As in my game 1 Spider Man game, I am challenging myself to build my deck around the cards that have a picture of the hero on it. In this game, Swarm Tactics and Team-Building Exercise were partly what the deck was built around, but unfortunately did not get any play whatsoever. Athletic Conditioning came in handy once, and probably Earth's Mightiest Heroes was the standout for the picture cards.

The main strategy was to stay in alter-ego as much as possible, and high cost allies were the best thing going in . Captain America really stood out and made it possible to stay in alter-ego more, particularly with his Reinforced Suit plus a pair of Command Team's to back him up. With a heavy bias towards thwarting, culminating with a well timed Save the Day, Cap was the MVP and arguably the hero with a Wasp ally. Other notable allies included Nick Fury for a quick three card draw, Professor X for confusion, and Maria Hill who recurred several times due to Make the Call.

Thwarting, and relying on allies to handle the damage while in alter-ego with this deck got me through Taskmaster stage 2, but stage 3 was going to take some firepower. G.I.R.L. and Pinpoint Strike were just the thing. With a thinned out deck it was easy to get Pinpoint Strike paired with a Genius, which ended up being most of the damage done in stage 3.

So all in all, Wasp did not feel like she had the best hero synergy with the leadership and basic cards that she appears on. I would give this deck a 2/5 rating for synergy, but maybe if I had gotten out Team-Building Exercise or pulled off a Swarm Tactics I might have felt this was a 3/5.