Thor - Hammered

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ClassyRobot · 5355

Minimal setup, maximum hammer swings. Make use of Thor and his great attack stat plus his access to aerial to play a fun, thematic deck that’s so easy to pilot you can be tanked on mead and still be worthy.


Team-Building Exercise has 15 targets in this deck, including all those lovely Asgard and Avenger Cards and a bonus 3 from Pitchback as long as you didn’t forget where you placed Mjolnir.

Deft Focus has 8 targets, but if you’ve had too much and can’t focus it’ll be ok with how low a cost curve this deck has.

2 Pitchback is the same damage per resource as Hammer Throw and can be split between two enemies. No overkill but you don’t have to worry about what to do with your hammer.

Drop Kick can be subbed out for Looking for Trouble if you’re worried about threat. This is a rush down deck that outputs a ton of damage, but sometimes it’s necessary. I’ve also found that you can often play the bonus card from hand from Drop Kick with how cheap everything is.

And that’s it! Grab a flagon of ale, a drinking buddy to help thwart, and swing for the fences.

A toast! Dein skol!


May 03, 2023 journeyman2 · 23912

Just FYI, since TBE is an action, it doesn’t work on Pitchback, which is a response and actions can’t be used in the response window. Bifrost to play Angela out of deck or Quincarrier to throw into Jarnbjorn, Lighting Strike, or Drop Kick would help

May 03, 2023 ClassyRobot · 5355

Good to know! I'll have to edit the section, but luckily it still has plenty of targets. Bifrost I found only effective if you get it really early as it can just sit there until you deck out with only 4 possible targets. Quincarrier isn't bad either but I always feel bad using committing your whole turn to get it down. Sometimes you just want to drink and bonk things ha