Day at the Museum (with video vs. Collector 1)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SoloMarvelChampion · 1365

A day at the Museum

This deck was built to beat Collector 1, which you can see here: (See "Video Notes" below)

I went with Justice against Collector 1 for two reasons:

  • There's only one Main Scheme with a threshold of 10.
  • Groot likes to flip to Alter-Ego, and Justice gives him a few extra tools to Confuse the villain.

Confuse Package

  • Dazzler: Expensive, but a 2/2/3 ally with Confuse!
  • Quake: NOT Confuse, but good when you have a minion hanging around when you flip down.
  • "Think Fast!": CHEAP and effective!
  • Concussive Blow: Confuse plus Damage.
  • NO Sonic Rifle??? Two reasons:
    • I built this for Collector 1, so I didn't want anything (aside from allies) that would go to discard from play. Collector 1 does that easily enough without me helping.
    • For the same price (but you have to include a resource) Concussive Blow accomplishes in one play what the rifle does across two exhausts.

Other cards of note

  • Blindfold and Wraith are good against Collector 1 because of the number of Special Boosts in the encounter deck.
  • I really like Impede in Groot because he has a poor economy (no resource generators in his kit) so when I play it first I get it back to:
    • Use as a resource.
    • Play again.
    • Hold onto for the next turn. This is not ideal, but against Collector 1 (one Scheme with a threshold of 10) knowing you can Thwart for 3 every turn adds peace-of-mind.
  • "We Are Groot" is VERY strong against Collector 1 because you can get extra uses out of your allies or use them to safely block the villain, both of which lets them hang around longer before going to the Collection.

Video Notes

The video linked above made Collector 1 look easy, but that was just a LOT of Encounter Deck luck! I played 14 games against C1 and lost 7 of them, almost all due to 5 cards in the collection. This is not THE deck to beat Collector 1, just one that I won with 50% of the time. The key to beating C1 is managing the collection, and I got extremely lucky in this game and didn't have to manage it too much.

May 09, 2023 GrootForPresident · 28

I watched and liked the video! Not bad. Always fun to see Collector 1 go down!

May 11, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 1365

@GrootForPresident thanks, but I got REALLY lucky with the encounter deck!