Quicksilver: Adrenaline Rush Combo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Neokarasu · 165

Adrenaline Rush Combo

With Reinforced Sinew + Symbiote Suit + Maximum Velocity + 3 Adrenaline Rush, you can get up to 8 ATK then get multiple use out of it thanks to Super Speed, Always Be Running. Repurpose provides both a Ready and ATK boost but the deck isn't focused on it as much as AR because it's easier to set up AR while keeping everything under control.

The rest of the kit is designed to keep Quicksilver alive while assembling the pieces. He can get up to 4 DEF with Accelerated Reflex + Armored Vest + Symbiote Suit so you can reliably trigger Unflappable with the help of Never Back Down/Not Today!/Energy Barrier. We are choosing to play specifically Never Back Down + Not Today! due to Friction Resistance. Since it gives us to use for "free", we don't mind paying 1 for defense events. However it specifically gives us meaning it's harder to enable events that benefit from such as Jump Flip/Side Step.


  • Mulligan: find his Superpower upgrades (Accelerated Reflex/Hyper Perception/Reinforced Sinew), Friction Resistance, Armored Vest, Unflappable, and Deft Focus. The rest of the upgrades are secondary to these.
  • Early Game: set up as much upgrades as possible. Having Friction Resistance allows you to set up very quickly since the majority of your cards cost 1. Taking early damage is fine while you spend the early turns focusing on cleaning up any side schemes/minions instead.
  • Midgame: you want to play Symbiote Suit after a little bit of setup but not too late as it does help you deal with a lot of things. If it's available on T3/4, it's worth playing it as long as you can clear everything the encounters have thrown at you so far on the same turn.
  • Endgame: setup a turn when you're able to pop all 3 Adrenaline Rush plus multiple Ready effects (Always Be Running/Repurpose) to advance to the next stage and then defeat the villain.


  • Super Speed is not a Forced Response so you can choose not to Ready him if you plan to use Repurpose instead so you can get the +ATK for when you use it.
  • In fact, you want to use Super Speed last in your sequence of Ready effects so if you plan to use Always Be Running/Repurpose for that turn, you want to take that into account. The reason for this is to maximize the use of Friction Resistance. Since FR gets Readied when you get Readied and you want to be able to use FR to pay for ABR, that means you want to use FR while Quicksilver is exhausted.
  • Keep a mental note on how much damage you can do with any given hand. Sometimes you'll be able to close out the game without the full combo.