An Infestation of Spiders

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 580

Better call a professional because the house is infested with spiders. The next in my off meta hero/aspect is this Ghost-Spider/Leadership deck. I was kind of surprised by this one but after looking at leadership events I kind of understood why. But after playing Ghost-Spider after a long time I realized she has enough response/interrupts in her own kit that it didn't matter what aspect she was going to play she is still going to be good.

The idea behind this deck is simple, infest the board with as many spiders as you can and watch the villain try to crush them all as you reap the rewards. Play out your allies and use them as you see fit. Keep Spider-Man or Spider-Man around with Med Lab and Rapid Response. Personally I used Ghost-Spider to block since she has a naturally high defense and a high chance to have a response/interrupt to ready with especially if George Stacy is on the table.

When working on my previous Rocket Leadership Deck I couldn't see why I would choose Last Stand over Go Down Swinging then I started building this deck and realized. What is better than drawing 1 card for playing a response/interrupt? Why drawing 2 cards of course. Might as well get as much out of a card as possible so threw in Warrior of the Great Web to get extra attack as well. And since consequential is dealt as part of an attack resolution you'll be able to recur them with Med Lab or Rapid Response.

Lead from the Front and Morale Boost are kind of filler events but at the same time when you get multiple basic activations might as well boost your stats. Sometimes I was getting 4 activations per turn. Spider-Man is kind of weak in this deck as his only target is Web-Bracelet but he combos nicely with Web of Life and Destiny Warrior of the Great Web and Med Lab.