She-Hulk: Girl's Night Out

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mortech · 4

Themed around not having any male allies or support personas. Beat Cop is gender neutral and looks female in the picture to me, so I'm counting it.

The main combo in this deck is infinite Hellcat. Once you have Hellcat, Avengers Tower, Helicarrier, and Team-Building Exercise down, you can Thwart with Hellcat, use her Action to pick her up, tap all three Supports, then play Hellcat for free and Thwart with her again, every turn. That's 4 thwart every turn, for free!

Generally the first few turns you'll want to stay AE for more card draw, so that's why I added 3 Meditations. Hopefully you get those early and can set up the core combo, if not there are also Beat Cops and Sonic Rifles that will be good to set up for more thwart and confuse later.

Endurance and Down Time are for survivability and to set up Gamma Slam for late game.

In testing, best results seem to come from mulliganing everything that isn't part of the core Hellcat combo, a resource to pay for those expensive upgrades, or a Beat Cop.

After the setup is complete, just flip every turn and Lay Down the Law!


Aug 24, 2023 Pedroq · 145

Im a big fan of the Hellcat loop. Team-Building Exercise feels like an underrated card.