Dropping an Anvil From 30 Stories Up

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DanTheDuke · 31

What's that up in the sky! Its a bird, its a plane, its a...



What do you need to know. Its a pig, he's got a hammer, and he's ready to drop an anvil on someone. This deck relies heavily on upgrades upping Hams basic attack in various ways. Your mulligan priorities are those upgrades most notably your two hero upgrades Huge Wooden Hammer and Organic Webbing as well as Combat Training. This will give you a basic attack of 3 hitting at least for 6 each turn so long as you have toon power to ready with organic webbing.

But that's basic. That's the minimum you'd ever want to hit for. How big can this hammer get?

Imagine this if you will. 5 card hand: Dive Bomb, Pitchback, Mean Swing, 2 Aggressive Energy. and 4 toon counters in your piggy bank.

You make a basic attack, 3 damage, a scratch, maybe you take out a minion. But then you Ready with organic webbing and gain Arial. Spend your 2 aggressive energy cards and 2 toon on Dive Bomb. With Honed Technique Dive Bomb dose 13 damage with a little 7 sprinkled to everything else. Then Pitchback for another 5 using another toon counter and then swing with Ham himself. Since playing the attack events Fluid Motion has triggered and since you are Arial Soaring Acrobatics can trigger as well. Here you can finally spend that Mean Swing on the Hammer for another +3 and Godslayer for +2. That is now, with all small bonuses combined, Ham himself swings for 10. In total this round Ham has done 31 Damage

This of course is the Dream, the big finishing move. We all know that things don't always work the way you want them to. But so long as you can set up the key components a lot of individual pieces of this deck work.
Some weak points of the deck I would say are probably the Thwart power. Ham It Up is a great card if you can get the silly points to make it worth it but with only 2 it can be a bit rough. Part of the strategy is to build up your toon on your first pass through the deck while putting out all your upgrades. Ham's basic Thwarting power is good and can get you through the early game but for scheme heavy villains I may suggest swapping out Mean Swing for "You'll Pay for That!"

In summery this deck is a lot like dropping an anvil from very high up. It might take a minute to hit the bottom but when it dose the thud it makes is fairly satisfying.


Sep 27, 2023 dr00 · 40472

Aerial seems really important here. have you tried it with Superpower Training?

also, i love having no double resources here. i think it actually fits him super well cos he's got so much money anyway. looks like a fun deck!

Sep 29, 2023 DanTheDuke · 31

I did but in my testing found that I was getting my hero upgrades fairly quickly that by the time the side scheme came out it was a dead card in hand. Of course that can be attributed to blind luck. I'd probably swap out the Symbiote Suit for it if you find you really need it. Sym Suit is fun but very dangerous.