Angel's Nest of Meditation

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NelsonAllOver · 5040

In skies above, Angel soars, Fighting foes and settling scores. But wait, he flips—a quick U-turn, To his nest, he shall return.

As Warren sits, he takes a sip Of tea that won't let focus slip. He meditates, then cracks a grin, "Time to let the fun begin!"

Back as Angel, wings unfurled, He dives back into the chaotic world. Villains blink, in sheer confusion, They can't think before their swift conclusion

Angel is an awesome hero and one of the things he excels at is using Metamorphosis to flip down to take advantage of all the great mutant supports out there.

What he also can do, is make sure he is ready with Techno-Organic Wings before flipping down so you can utilize Meditation to get some more expensive cards into play.

This deck is all about drawing a ton of cards with Maria Hill, White Tiger, Nick Fury, and Avengers Mansion. Then sneaking back to the nest (with Metamorphosis or safely after confusing with Adaptive Plummage) to draw more with Moira MacTaggert, Weapon X, X-Bunker and Worthington Industries.

Hope you enjoy, the biggest problem is having too many cards to know what to do with...


Oct 12, 2023 boomguy · 758

So. Much. Card draw!!

Love this one Nelson!