Rocket Diving into the Fray

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Enter_Enigma · 1

Built for a multiplayer Guardians vs Expert Ultron themed game. To mitigate inconsistency from cards lost to drones and the frequency of extra encounter cards from the massive card draw this deck can produce, this deck has been pushed to the upper limit of 50 cards.

Allies were chosen for survivability. Groot and Bug can theoretically survive drone attacks every round, indefinitely. Booster Boots allows Rocket to evade a third drone's attacks. With this triumvirate, we can afford to amass drones to trigger our abilities and avoid extra threat. That mostly leaves Ultron's attacks to worry about.

Cybernetic Skeleton and Endurance give us a nice boost in max HP, widening the window before his attacks really threaten us. Moment of Triumph (especially after setting up) and Precision Strike help keep us healthy when we can't risk flipping down to alter-ego.

Speaking of alter-ego, we have plenty of incentive to flip down, even when we don't need to heal. Crew Quarters can provide extra recovery for us, but can also provide a little support to another player if timed right. Assault Training reloads our deck, and Hall of Heroes plus our alter-ego ability refresh our hand. Timing the last two on the turn we begin in alter-ego lets us begin our combos with 11 cards in hand to pay for multiple expensive attack events.

And attack we shall. Afterall this is an Agression deck. No Quarter is a natural fit with how Aggression dense this deck is and Dive Bomb turns everything up to 11, although for the latter you need to find your Thruster Boots to gain Aerial first. Superpower Training can help with that, or if it's already out find Cybernetic Skeleton or one of Rocket's big guns. Finally, Into the Fray was added to help contain threat, and we can always guarantee a target for it in this match up.

Honed Technique can also greatly benefit Rocket. While you don't need the added punch to defeat drones, the extra damage helps ensure you can defeat even Upgraded Drones with excess damage, triggering a card draw from Rocket (especially with Dive Bomb).