Psylocke - We have a Psylocke!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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neothechosen · 10667

What if the Avengers had a Psylocke instead of the Hulk in Infinity war?

The premice: PSYLOCKE HITS HARDER THAN THE HULK! So, just keep basic attacking. With 2 Psi-Katana, Psylocke has 3 Atk AND PIERCING. This deck can dish out serious damage and yet control the board too.

  • Boost that ATK using Directed Force and Skilled Strike for insane basic attacks!

  • Both Directed Force and Skilled Strike are SKILLS, which you can find in your deck using Training Regimen for a garanteed 5 ATK + Piercing.

  • You can use Directed Force to boost Relentless Assault if you give it OVERKILL (easy to do, just pay for it using a Psi-Katana). Plus, every extra DMG will carry out to the villain anyway.

  • Where does Drop Kick fit in all of this? Well, with her Psi-Katana, Psylocke has easy access to , so it's very easy to make the most out of it. Plus, stuns complement nicely Psylocke's easy access to confuse and lockdown the villain.

  • Allies help by blocking and with their enter-the-battlefield ability. Sunfire and Vivian add a touch of control, while Thor does a nice job of minion clearing if you need it. Plus, a tough card to negate huge attacks is nice too.

So far the deck has proven very strong and able to take down villains fast, as well as strong enough in the THW department (don't forget you have your own 3 THW should you need it). I should maybe add that I played it true solo, expert level.

Have fun!


Feb 15, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 512

I absolutely love this deck. I wasn't a huge fan of psylocke at first but after giving her a bit more time she's turned into one of my favorite heroes. This deck does a really good job of showcasing how powerful she can be, thanks for sharing.