SCL S16R3 Power of Honed Technique

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tjjj · 237


A really simple concept for this deck: rush into Honed Technique and then burst the villain down as fast as possible with Clobber, Uppercut, and Venom Blast. Because the rounds could not truly be clean, I decided to not worry about a clean board state at all and just go for quick wins. In the end, this felt really liberating and ended up with some really fun puzzles to figure out.

Official rounds were 4/4/3 and none of them clean.

A few things to note:

2 of the three games I ended up staying in alter-ego on turn one and just setting up resource generators like Reactor Core and Finesse and also getting down Honed Technique. I found villain scheme to be a non-issue in these rounds and ended up being a convenient way to get the main scheme threat to reset. I found I could always outpace the counters from the champion with the quick damage.

Clobber with Honed Technique is a really great combo for the resources spent. This was the bread and butter of the deck as you could fully defeat Magog with just one clobber in hand.

The Power of Aggression was a close second for MVC (most valuable card) as it gave you the science you need and allowed you to get multiple attack cards out in a single turn.

Spycraft saved me from ever drawing Legion of Hydra or Shadows of the Past, which was important for keeping the pace where I wanted.

One Way or Another was in there just to draw out Pump Up the Crowd and also helped reset the main threat scheme with the double acceleration tokens, drawing 3 cards was just a bonus here.

This was a fun round, but I'm also glad to be done with Spider-Woman for a while. Building decks for her is kind of overwhelming to me given all the options that exist.