Angry Pete - A Spider Hyphen Man Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Elhannan · 288

Let's play Spidey like it's the PS4 game - by beating up a load of nobodies. A simple deck with a few new cards, focused on defeating minions to remove threat and otherwise playing a lightly-optimized high damage strategy. I'm unsure about the need for Enhanced Reflexes in a deck alongside Web-Shooters, but the solid number of 3-4 cost allies and events mean it's not going to go to waste. Black Cat is pleasantly likely to pull cards into your hand when played, and that's about it. Punch bad guys, Swinging Web Kick everywhere, make quips and try to perhaps not copy the Arkham series quite so much.

Note to self - when a Doc Ock villain is released, must play Rhino then him with the various card modules from Green Goblin, for the full video game experience. :)


Jan 07, 2020 Elhannan · 288

Notes for later: #Hulk gets replaced with Valkyrie on release, possibly want to work in Battle Fury and/or Hall of Heroes in place of some copies of events.