Hawkeye - How to Call a Mockingbird

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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neothechosen · 10009

I just wanted to share this simple yet pretty sweet list for Hawkeye, who deserves way more credit and love than gets!

Aside from the side schemes that help with setup and thin your deck (nice for Hawkeye's Quiver), the basic idea is to exploit Call for Aid to get your most prized asset: Mockingbird.

While the idea isn't new, the combo with White Fox and Digging Deep is just so beautiful! Hopefully you get Call for Aid in your opening hand, and Mocking bird sits at the bottom. Call for aid then becomes "get Mockingbird plus all three resources to play her. Plus a bonus ally". Because she's so useful to Hawkeye, even getting her with a resource or two is still solid.

The rest is regular Hawkeye play: shoot arrows, get allies in the way of the villain. Recur with Make the Call. Put resource generators in play. Keep shoooting.

The end.

Have fun!


Dec 07, 2023 adsarf · 333

Hi @neothechosen. Did you consider using Domino in this deck? She can helpfully put White Fox back from hand into deck before you play Call for Aid, or put an arrow into your deck before you use Hawkeye's Quiver, so she adds to your hand size for as long as she's on the table. You probably need to add United We Stand to get the most out of her but I think she'd add a lot here.

Dec 07, 2023 neothechosen · 10009

@adsarf Very good point! TBH I didn't catch on that but it sounds like a very promising idea. Thanks for the input!

Dec 08, 2023 Alpo · 81

Dec 08, 2023 neothechosen · 10009

@Alpo A little context: I play solo expert 99% of the time. When I build to solo Hawkeye, two things comes to mind:

  1. He needs blockers
  2. He needs help thwarting (Cable Arrow may be stuck at the bottom of your deck and he's got 1 thw only).

War Machine helps with both: block with your TOUGH card, thwarts twice (4 threaths total) and a final block. Real useful.

In fact, except Agent 13 to combo with Helicarrier, all allies here serve that purpose: come in, do your thing, thwart, block.

It buys you the time you need to get set up and deal the damage. Mockingbird is great, but if you use only her from turn 1, you spend almost all your hand turn after turn and getting set up is going to be tedious. So, use other allies whenever possible, Mockingbird when you have no other options.

I also like to revert to AE whenever possible (thanks Sonic Arrow) just to prevent attacks, get a better hand size and keep Mockingbird or another ally in play one more turn (buying time again).

That's why the combo with Digging Deep is so cool when it works: you get to play Mocking bird for free and still have cards to put in play, building your engine.

Dec 08, 2023 Alpo · 81

@noethechosen Very clear. Thank you.