Allies are Strange, when you are Strange

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Parti · 27


Still testing this deck. Made it for me and my friends, feel free to use it :) Note that the deck is made using cards I have at my disposal which is core + wave 1 heroes + red skull + galaxy

Essentially allies are there to be used as resources or as blockers.

In both cases you can use Make the Call to bring'em back, Inspired to kick ass, but above all you want to be searching for The Sorcerer Supreme to get the resources flowing. After that either spam invoke or just slam enemies with allies on the table with quantity or with Inspired. Also, keep in mind that Hawkeye is great for converting more expensive cards to damage.


Još uvek testiram ovaj špil. Napravio sam ga za sebe i svoje prijatelje, slobodno ga koristite :) Imajte na umu da je špil napravljen koristeći karte koje imam na raspolaganju, što uključuje osnovne karte + prvi talas heroja + crvenu lobanju + galaksiju

U osnovi, saveznici su tu da se koriste kao resursi ili kao blokeri.

U oba slučaja možete koristiti Make the Call da ih vratite, Inspired da seju haos, ali pre svega treba da tražite The Sorcerer Supreme da pokrenete protok resursa. Nakon toga ili spamujte invoke karte ili jednostavno nadvladajte neprijatelje sa količinom saveznika na stolu ili sa Inspired. Takođe, imajte na umu da je gospođica Hawkeye odlična za pretvaranje skupljih karata u direktnu štetu.