Ronan…like the barbarian? He needs a shirt.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

andyr · 6590

Give Ronan What He Derserves

Beating the final boss of a campaign in expert using a hero with aspect/basic cards from the core set and the campaign box sounds impossible.

So why not start with the most notorious box?!

Bringing Ronan to Justice

This is Spider-Man beating Ronan on Standard and Expert. Now I will say, this is not an always win deck, but it is a mostly win against Ronan deck. I assume this will survive most scenarios…maybe even the worst scenario…Collector 1.

Your Friends at Work

So how do you do it? Heal and keep Daredevil in play for as long as possible. Use allies for board state. Play and use up your Surveillance Team. Use Swinging Web Kick to take out minions until you’re free enough to take big swings into Ronan.

Jessica Jones is also clutch here. If Superior Tactics comes out. Keep it. We don’t want the power stone. This is also an additional +1 THW for Jessica.

Protect Your Friends

Try to always defend with Peter if possible. Chump block with Nick Fury and Mockingbird, but keep track of the 3 Kree Privates because they’ll give an attack overkill.

Cancel any treacheries that create extra activations. Don’t worry too much about removing the Universal Weapon until you’re ready to play Webbed Up and MAYBE if you’re going to play Mockingbird. If it’s early in the game, it might be worth it. In one of my expert games, I got lucky that Masterplan caused the hammer to get discarded. But in the other, it kept coming back.

Use Your Smarts

As far as flipping down, always flip down for your obligation. It lets you use your scientist ability. Otherwise, remove the hammer and make sure you don’t have the power stone. It’s better to have a +1 SCH than an extra boost card. Then, have the scheme down to zero.

Set up rounds where Daredevil is constantly thwarting the main down and doing a damage with it, and you are getting resource generators with a couple of Swinging Web Kicks to make a push. Surveillance Teams will help you with the side schemes that come out.

I’m a little shocked this worked with just core set and Galaxy’s Most Ronan.

Minimalist Matchups

The goal is to create a series of decks meant to be accessible to players who don't have access to all of the content. It can be tough to find decks that feel strong and work in a limited collection. So this series will be heroes built to take on the toughest villains using only the Core Set, Villain's Campaign Box (if applicable), and Hero Pack (if applicable). This means each deck will only require 2 or 3 packs.

Recommend a Match-up? I'd love recommendations if anyone is struggling or curious about a match up. Fill out this form to send me suggestions.

Minimalist Matchup Decks:


Feb 05, 2024 tunicv · 473

This is a really cool idea. I love how you explained it and am shocked that you beat Expert Ronan.

Feb 05, 2024 andyr · 6590

Thanks, @tunic2011. And me too, honestly. When it happened the second time, I jumped out of my seat. They were incredibly slow paced games, though. Daredevil really was the star. Keep that guy healed.

Feb 05, 2024 Daring Lime · 1568

I like that you made this deck with only the core set and guardians expansion. I used to not play Spider-Man because I didn't think he was very good with the core set. This is great for new players. Nice job beating Ronan! I just posted a deck for Spider-Man if you wanna check it out too! I appreciated you liking my Nebula deck. I've been cooking my Spider-Man deck for a while now.

Feb 05, 2024 andyr · 6590

@alechoward41 thanks so much! Peter definitely shifts how he plays a fair amount depending on the aspect and card pool. My favorite is still a defend the table Peter, but this was cool to see him take down powerful villains with core card.

And I’ll totally check the deck out!