All We Are (Steve Rogers cover)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

quantumodo · 39

This is yet another Strength In Numbers & Avengers Assemble! deck. Yes, I know. There are plenty of those. But I'm quite new to the game and I kind of rediscovered the idea on my own. I'm very happy with the result, so I thought it would be nice to publish it anyway.

But you're here for the deck, so let's cut to the chase. These are the most salient points that you need to know, in my opinion:

DECK NAME: If it sounds familiar, yes you are right: it is borrowed from this awesome song.

MAIN STRATEGY: Of course, your goal should be to swarm the table with cheap allies that can help you control the game and prepare for an explosive last turn in which you go all in and (hopefully) kill the villain for good.

LATE GAME: If you get to put 6 allies to the table (which is very possible thanks to The Triskelion, Avengers Tower and Stinger) and have also Mighty Avengers in play, your deck should be thin enough to have a high probability of drawing at least one copy of Avengers Assemble! and play it. If not, then you have a high probability of drawing Strength In Numbers, that you can use to draw another 6 cards among which most surely will give you at least one copy of Avengers Assemble! and still have enough resources to play it, get your allies and hero ready and deal 20+ damage. In true solo games, which is what the deck is designed for, this should be enough to get rid of the villain.

EARLY GAME: But how do you get to the point where you have The Triskelion, Avengers Tower and Mighty Avengers plus 6 allies on the table? In the very first turns, you should be flipping to superheroe/alter ego every turn. The goal is to use your Living Legend ability every single turn. In this way, you will be to play one or two allies every turn (some, like #Blade or #Stinger can even be played for free) and still have resources to put your upgrades and supports in play.

MID GAME: In the middle game, you will use your allies to thwart and attack if needed, sometimes even to chump block, but you will want to keep them in the table without losing them to consequential damage or enemy attacks. Captain America is quite good at thwarting and defending, and you can ready him additional times by discarding a card. Teamwork also puts your allies to use without them taking damage.

IMPORTANT CARDS: You cannot exploit the full potential of the deck without Avengers Tower and The Triskelion. You should get them to the table soon if you can. Steve's Apartment is also very helpful, since you will be using it every turn in the early game. Mighty Avengers helps a lot in the last turns, but can wait till the second run of the deck.

MULLIGAN: I recommend you mulligan to obtain, ideally, a couple of cheap allies that you can get to the table in the very first turn. If you can also play Steve's Apartment, Avengers Tower or one Super-Soldier Serum that is also really helpful for setting up quickly.

ECONOMY: The cost curve is fairly low. The most expensive cards are the Avengers Assemble!, and you will only be playing those in the late game. The Living Legend ability plus Avengers Tower make playing many allies quickly quite easy. Together with the two copies Super-Soldier Serum you will have plenty of resources.

But, wait, there is more! Probably, the most controversial card of the deck will be Band Together. And I am running not one, not two, but three copies! Well, in fact, I consider this card quite important for my strategy. Most of the time you will have at least two allies in play, so they become better than the famous double-resource cards, because they give you universal resources. But probably you will have at least 3 allies in play in most turns, so they become triple universal resources! No problem then to use them to play Heroic Strike (stunning the enemy at the same time) or Mighty Avengers. And they are so helpful for those shiny Avengers Assemble! cards!. Even if you have just one or no allies in play for some reason, you can use them to activate the "I Can Do This All Day!" ability or, if you have them in play, for Blade, Wonder Man or Hawkeye!

REPLACEMENTS: As you can imagine, Honorary Avenger is only used to make Agent 13 an Avenger if you manage to play her early (and make Avengers Tower and Mighty Avengers work). This is relatively rare, so you could consider replacing Honorary Avenger with Team Training or maybe Mission Leader. In a previous version of the deck, I included Specialized Training but never really managed to exploit it fully (you will be mainly thwarting the main scheme with all the back and forth between superhero and alter ego).