Always Be Prepared

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dirius · 108

This is a straight forward Spectrum deck that focuses on ready effects and efficient setup to become a versatile source of damage, thwarting, and damage mitigation. Stay in hero form as much as you can and use Spectrum's unique form-changing prowess to be the Swiss Army Knife of your band of heroes. A self-sufficient, gamma blasting, threat reducing tank.

Play around the exceptionally powerful ready effects in Protection, like Ever Vigilant and What Doesn't Kill Me. Cards like Perseverance and Ready to Rumble are usually hard to activate, but since Spectrum will change forms 2+ times a turn, these are very cost-efficient sources of Tough and ready effects (that can be banked for later turns!), respectively.

The Symbiote Suit tops off the ready package of cards, providing extra stats to leverage via basic actions, more resources, and perhaps most importantly, a larger HP pool in order to stay away from Spectrum's inert alter-ego form.

It may seem tempting to use Repurpose and some TECH upgrades like Electrostatic Armor, Energy Barrier, or even Forcefield Generator. There is obviously enormous upside to getting +3 to ATK or THW and then readying 3 times, but I think that gameplan is too slow to setup and is liable to dead draws.

Instead of going all-in on the Repurpose highroll, this deck looks to put in some honest work every turn. Hard to Ignore and Unflappable are excellent effects if you have a way to take no damage when defending: Hard to Ignore will mitigate most all main scheme passive threat generation, while Unflappable is a 1-cost Avenger's mansion. Perseverance is what unlocks the power of these upgrades, since you will be able to defend without taking much damage, and subsequently act on your turn with ready effects like that from Pulsar Shield. Even without Perseverence, the boost of the Suit and Pulsar form, means your +4 defense will block a good chunk of enemy attacks outright.

Other stuff... Quincarrier is never a bad choice in an Avenger deck. Deft Focus is a no-brainer, since all of Spectrum's events are SUPERPOWER. The Power of Protection efficiently pays for the ready events. The Night Nurse is the 40th card of the deck. It's a very efficient form of status removal; if there are encounters where those conditions will not arise, you could use any of the following:

It's OK to flip to alter-ego if you find yourself "stuck" in Pulsar form. If you have a Ready to Rumble in play, flipping to AE can be a nice way to sneak-in a symbiote-boosted REC action and then reset your form. Don't neglect the passive effects of Spectrum's forms. The pings of damage, thwarting, and healing really add up, so change forms as much as you can!