Bishop - Medic!!! - Multiplayer support build

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 659

This a pure support build designed to keep your friends healthy and in the fight. No more flipping to alter ego to recover, Bishop has his buddies on this one.

Designed for multiplayer (2+ Heroes) your main focus is going to be keeping you and your friends alive.

Many of the healing cards are powerful, but expensive. You’ll be using the extra resources from Bishop’s Hero ability to be playing Med Team, Second Wind or even stunning the Villain with Tackle. You keep yourself alive with What Doesn't Kill Me and Bishop's Uniform.

You have a couple of efficient Ally blockers with Armor and Polaris.

Taunt can used to get both more resource cards and just cards in general.

Lastly Machine Man is there as a resource sink if needed.

Is this deck going to break the meta or pull off crazy combos? Not really. Is it going to make your friends high five every time you bring it to the table? Get ready for your hand to sting.


Apr 01, 2024 Schmendrix · 5432

Very cool deck. I'm just glad to see this kind of build out in the world.

Apr 02, 2024 DMTip · 1

I haven't played Bishop, but my first attempt will be very similar to this. Trying to play with 3-4p in mind, which really changes how a deck is built. Thank you for focusing intently on multiplayer! Focusing on taking those big hits and healing back up I think will be clutch! My version includes Endurance for a bit more buffer to heal up. Can't wait to try it!