Iceman - Ice To ready You All

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Iceman - Ice To Meet You All 108 87 6 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Xou · 66

My own version of looping Mirage and Professor X with iceman to get the stunlock.

My personal take is that readying ally with that kind of loop and with snow clones is very strong so I prefered to put Command Team rather than the xmen ally swarm of the original.

My other personal take is that suit up is better than Make the Call to make the loop, since it works from deck, even if it's cost 1 more, it let you also search and play Clarity of Purpose on iceman to help with his high cost deck with limited drawback of dammaging yourself with the stunlock strategy and his above average 4 REC.