Hawkeye- comboing bird

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Xou · 54

  • Spot the bird

Everyone knows that Hawkeye is a frail character and rely on Mockingbird to prevent him from dammage by playing her all over again.

  • But what if you don't find her early enough?

Well that is why we play 3 Call for Aid without any other avenger in the deck to have 100% chance to get her.

  • OK but then I could possibly discard a lot of cards????

And yes that could be bad, we can turn this drawback into our avantage with the presence of 3 Digging Deep and White Fox, so you can not only have Mockingbird but also ressources to cast it easily and 1 ally in game to do the job. Call for Aid isn't a dead card if you already have Mockingbird, depending of the number of digging deep and whitefox remaining in your deck it might be a powerful play to play it in order to have that value in exchange of encounter card (the discarding process stops when the deck is empty)

  • Ok but it takes a lot of resources to pay for Mockingbird ability and then pay her cost, and Hawkeye doesn't have a good economy except for his arrows, how can I pay for it every turns?

To help us to cast Mockingbird repeatedly and be rewarded to do so the deck has the S.H.I.E.L.D package support in it so Sky-Destroyer will make 2 dammage each time you play Mockingbird Helicarrier and Government Liaison help you to cast her and other expensive shield cards.

Shield support and allies being basic, the power in all of us has a lot of good target.

Also all the expensive shield cards + Mockingbird can be payed with Meditation since the common use of Hawkeye tapping is to deal 3 dammages so doesn't often help to control the game.

Get Ready are here to pump up the effectiveness of our allies before they have to go.


Jun 25, 2024 XPGamer · 43

Team-Building Exercise might be a nice addition to this deck for helping play mockingbird