Iron Chef v1.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tchance · 7

Though Stark is slow to assemble his suit, his Avenger friends are far more punctual. This deck tries to optimize allies while Tony durdles with his suit. Once Iron Man flips to get into the fray, you should have a decent to great setup.

The Avengers themselves are based largely on cost-efficiency and utility. Teamwork keeps your peeps around a little longer. Quinjet doubles as a way to cheat in extra allies while retaining the ever-important energy icon for Repulsor Blast. Goliath and Vision are your brawlers that combo with Earth's Mightiest Heroes for maximum oomph turns that balance out the negligent inactivity of your hero in the early game. The combo of Goliath swinging in for 5 or more multiple times is the dream--and a realistic one at that. Wonder Man is there early as a means for said event and later for his high strength.

Others like the Hawkeyes, Squirrel Girl, and U.S. Agent slip in some spot damage. Other than your signature ally, Maria Hill is the only non-Avenger, meaning the one of Avengers Assemble! (which once again touts the energy resource for Repulsor Blast) can be a game-ending tool for the good guys.

As the game is still pretty new, and the card pool relatively narrow, there is nothing mind-blowing in here regarding the remaining build. Emergency is there for the resource type (again) and to help slow down the threat build due to Stark's indulgent tinkering. Everything else is covered above. Iron Man's kit of signature upgrades help to pivot as needed.


Sep 23, 2020 tchance · 7

One could, if they so desired, cut a Quinjet and add Triskelion to maintain the energy resource sum for Repulsor Blast while allowing that additional ally to stick around for the possible big Avengers Assemble turn.