Basic Jennifer - Aspect-less Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Southy · 340

Enhanced Awareness: Use these counters as regular resources or use them to activate Superhuman Law Division.

Honorary Avenger: Attach to yourself or an ally, or use to activate Tenacity.

Tenacity: Basically any basic card that has a physical resource is meant to fuel this card.

Lockjaw: Honestly just threw this in cause it has a physical resource. Only use his effect if you don't have anything else to do.

Mockingbird: Stun the enemy, very much needed in this basic deck.

Nick Fury: Honestly up to you what effect you want to use, or use his resource for Superhuman Law Division.

Avengers Mansion: Get the first one out for a extra card each turn then use the other for its resource.

Avengers Tower: Added this strictly for the mental resource.

Emergency: 0 cost card that prevents 1 threat, pretty good in this deck.

First Aid: Since you'll want to keep the threat low by not switching over to Alter-Ego mode every turn, this will keep you in hero for a extra turn.

Haymaker: She-Hulk already punches hard, so adding a damage event card only makes her better.