Iron Man "Yeah, I can fly" Justice Version

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Iron Man - Justice is Served 11 7 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Novawyrm · 167

Iron Man is at his best when he can fly. This build is built around allowing Iron Man to become AERIAL by using his Rocket Boots as often as needed. Enhanced Awareness activating Rocket Boots allows Iron Man to gain Aerial for three turns for a cost of 2. This has huge benefits to his damage and thwart abilities. Powered Gauntlets go from one damage to two for each Powered Gauntlets. Mark V Helmet allows Iron Man to remove one threat from every scheme rather than just one from one scheme.

Justice plays to Iron Man's strength which is his thwart of 2. Heroic Intuition can raise that to a THW of 3. Iron man could discard a token from Enhanced Awareness to gain aerial, removing one threat from every scheme/side scheme in play with Mark V Helmet, then THW for 3, use Arc Reactor to ready himself, and then THW for 3 again! In one turn Iron Man can remove 7 threat from the main scheme along with one from every other side scheme in play, just using basic THW and aerial. That is REDICULOUS!

This build for Iron Man also can pack a punch. Once Iron Man has his set-up completed, his deck is loaded with . This allows Repulsor Blast to hit for insane damage(~5-11 damage).

I could have put more into the deck but it would make discarding to remove villain attachments so much harder.

I fully loaded this deck with 50 cards because Iron Man can really churn through his deck quickly. Plus, he has a large kit size of 7-10 cards, so those extra cards will keep you from drawing extra encounter cards for a round or two.

Look for "Yeah, I can fly" builds using other aspects as I build/play them.

If you haven't tried out Justice with Iron Man, give my build a try. I surprised myself with how well it worked.


Oct 10, 2020 Novawyrm · 167

I took on the Green Goblin Villain pack with this build.

Risky Business: Even on Expert this was REALLY EASY.

Green Goblin Mutagen formula: This build performed very well. Got in some steady damage with Repulsor Blast. Threat was never a problem. I didn't even bring out Under Surveillance, or use Counterintelligence. I'm happy with how this deck performed and I'm looking forward to using it on other villains.