Iron Man - Thunder Protocole

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Veti · 1

Great and controlling deck with soo massive draw and deck cycle. Aimed on resource for better Repulsor Blast. Usually if I hit Iron Man form with 3-4 upgrades in first 1-2 turns, I don't have to go back to Tony anymore.


  • 10 tech upgrade will give massive boost for card drawing in hero form
  • with some upgrades on table (less cards in deck) and 7 cards draw you can easily draw what you needed now
  • 4 stun effects and 6 allies probably make you totally protected from Villain attacks
  • Iron Man with Arc Reactor can beat 4 thw per turn. If you will add Mark V Helmet 5 thw even
  • concentrated deck make Repulsor Blast great


  • concentrated deck in other hand make you really weak in destroying villains bonuses other than
  • low amount of resource keep Iron Man without Aerial trait
  • you will cycle all deck every 3 turns because of 40 cards deck with 7 cards draw and a lot of discards/upgrades so you will be granted additional encounter frequently

I was able to easily solo defeat all expert Villains with additional Tombstone/Electro/Scorpion minidecks, so I can surely propose this deck for others.