Leader Hulk on The Rise of Red Skull

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dushukai · 25

This build let Hulk have a balance between removing threats and attacking. Good for expert mode.

below are some points:

1.Your ally is your main power to remove threat, so during the phase 1 of the boss, you are welcome to discard all you attack cards to change for an ally or resource generator (Helicarrier and Quincarrier).

2.You should prefer to take damage rather than defend, so that your powerful recover ability could work with Down Time and Banner's Laboratory. When you are recovering, your ally will keep working on threat removal. But at the beginning, defence is better for you unless you get some allies to help you remove threat when you are recovering in alter-ego.

3.Enhanced Physique is a flexible card. It actually transfers and deposits all the the resource to for your future use, when you don't have any good card to play this round. And after you use it up, it will not be discarded, so that it can be used to block Caught Off Guard.

4.Once you have Lockjaw you will have a stable threat removal ability. Use Lockjaw as a resource when you first have it. And then it will go to the discard pile. Then you can summon it every 2 turns. And You can definitely afford it. If you have Team Training, then Lockjaw will be a unstoppable threat remove machine, 4 resource -> 6 threats.

5.U.S. Agent and Iron Man is best with Inspired

6.Boundless Rage is almost a useless card.

7.Hawkeye is used to deal with your last on-hand useless card, most likely, that card is expensive.

8.Down Time and Team Training can also play on other players.

9.Most of this deck are with so do not worry about Crushing Blow, Hulk Smash, Unstoppable Force and Sub-Orbital Leap. Most likely after you use Hulk Smash, the boss will be switch to phase 2, so be sure your upgrades and gears are good enough to face phase 2 before use Hulk Smash.


Jan 27, 2025 boomguy · 2618

Nice work! I might recommend Clarity of Purpose to take more resources out of Hulk’s health pool.

Jan 27, 2025 dushukai · 25

Thanks, It is a nice card. Unfortunately, my collection has only until The Rise of Red Skull.